Sunday, April 11, 2010

come potty with me... part two

You may remember our jump on the potty brigade? Well it's been about 2 months since we introduced Pull-Ups and the potty to Spaghetti. With the mild coercion from her school (okay, not mild, they forced us and we gave in) Spaghetti has been intermittently using her potty. To be quite honest, Pretty Pants and I haven't been putting in a 110% into the whole potty training thing only bringing her to her potty every couple hours or so when we remember instead of the advised one time every hour. Ah well.

Since Spaghetti had started potty training she also switched daycares (she now goes to daycare at the same school as the Meatball). My husband and I didn't inquire on their position on potty training. We figured we'd ask once she got a little more acclimated. However, last week, we got the the note. Please bring 5 pants, 5 pairs of socks and 5 panties for next week. Next week?!? Again, my anxiety shot through the roof! I thoroughly hate potty training. It took about forever (well not forever but awhile) to potty train the Meatball. I once had a puppy and had no patience in potty training him either, 13 year later the poor dog is still semi-potty trained. So when I got the note and when the provider asked, "Do you want to start tomorrow or wait until next week?" Of course, I responded, "Next week, I'm totally fine with next week, thanks."

I've already shared the reasons to my anxiety towards potty training. It seemed like Spaghetti picked up on my anxiety (or she's just brilliant) because as she watched me prepare her potty training supply. She quickly grabbed a panty and yelled, "I want to wear this!" Totally taken by surprise, I said, "What? You want to wear this, now?" She nodded her head in excitement and started to pull off her pants and Pull-Ups. I asked in hesitation, "Are you sure you don't want to wait until school tomorrow?" "No, Mommy I want to wear them now!" Great.

For the rest of the afternoon until dinner, bath time and bed time, Spaghetti got her wish. She wore a Pull-Up free panty, successfully! Not an accident in sight! Whew. Once bedtime rolled around and I put her in Pull-Ups she seemed to understand that maybe she wasn't ready to go without at night just yet. Looking back, it's a little funny in moments like these where I feel like my child is teaching me. With Spaghetti and her potty training, she was ready and she needed me to be ready. Which really meant I had to put all my anxiety and dread of the potential mess aside and step up to the plate for her. Support her efforts and who knows, she just may surprise me. In this instance, she surely did.

When did you know your child was ready for potty training?


  1. I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes!

  2. I'm so proud of my ina anak! Gosh, what is it w/ our 2nd kids?! They are so different from our first kids. Amaya was so much easier w/ potty training than Shamani was. However, they both made the decision when they were ready, even though we weren't. Shamani started at the age of 3, and Amaya at the age of 2. It's so great to be diaper/pull-up free! Transition time is not so great, especially when you are on the road a lot. I always have to remember to breath and smile when we have those potty accidents. Only one #2 accident, thank God! LOL! Don't forget to take pictures. It'll be great for her 18th bday montage. Heh, heh, tell her it was ninang's idea. :)

  3. Like you, I knew when the daycare told me to start bringing him in underwear :) I was doubtful that he was ready, but he made the switch with no problem. I think he had one accident in the two weeks after that, but that's it! And my younger son basically potty trained himself by watching his brother. Good luck!

  4. We are in the thick of it too. My girl is just two. But I think she is ready. Hoping summer will be the magic time.

  5. I started training Naomi at 14 months and she was totally ready! I couldn't believe it when I saw poop in the potty. Then there was regression, and rebellion and we eased off. It was an on and off at that point until she was about 2 1/2 when we started being consistent with the training together with her daycare.

    Then... I had my second daughter and she resisted potty training. Anyway, long story short, it all worked out, and today, at 2 and 8 months, she is not completely trained but she ASKS to go to the toilet to pee and poop, and she DOES!. We are oh, so, so close.

    Good luck! (hmmm.. what is "good luck" in Tagalog??
