Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back to School, Back to Schedule

Back to school. It's supposed to be an exciting time of year, but for me it creates a ton of anxiety. With school supply lists, back to school nights, parent nights, getting the kids back on their routine, signing up for field trips, signing up for birthday lunches, coordinating schedules. A month in and the smoke is just starting to clear. 

So as you can see, I'm not a girl scout, I didn't come prepared. I see this along the same lines as starting Christmas shopping right after Easter, that's just not me. Oddly enough, I've been doing the school thing w/Meatball for the last 4 grades already and you'd think I'd have it down to a science. But add Spaghetti into the mix you have a recipe for potential disaster. Drop kid 1 off her, pick kid 2 up there, bring kid 1's form here, don't forget kid 2's lunch there... exhausting, right?!? But as parents, we manage.

I remember when I was in 3rd grade (the same grade Meatball is in now), my mother dropping me off for swim class, soccer class and dance class. I was a shy kid and my mother would literally drop me off, no hanging out w/the other mothers, no watching me do whatever activity she signed me up for, just dropped me off because, "It's good for you to have a lot of activities, honey". Thanks, Mother for forcing me off the deep end of socialization.

And here we are, years later, history repeats itself as I find myself signing Meatball up for after school activities, dropping her off, picking her up, shuttling her from one thing to the next... I never asked my Mother why she just dropped me off and took off, but now I'm beginning to assume she probably took naps in between.

The things we do for our kids.